Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Let It Grow

I saw this on a website I really like ("Chicks on the Right") and I decided to share it. I would not have been better able to express these sentiments, so I won't try.....

"Liberalism is a cancer, and it's killing this country. It now has another four years where it won't be treated and it will metastasize. So here's my recommendation:

Let it. Let it grow, and let it do its job.

Liberals are their own worst enemy, by virtue of the fact that they ALWAYS have to learn things the hard way. It's time to let them. No more bailing them out. No more trying to stave off destruction. No more trying to undo their mistakes and put things back on course. Now is the time to entrench. Now is the time to STOP helping. To STOP contributing. To STOP creating jobs. To... yeah... to STOP offering charity. Now is the time to look out for ourselves, and hope that we're well enough prepared to ride out the endgame of liberal collectivism. They'll all die. But if we're prepared, we can get through.

And then, and only then, we can come back to rebuild. It's like a forest fire. It's a noble effort to fight it, but at some point you have to realize that it just needs to burn everything down - so that the forest can regrow.

Guns, Gold, and God. Invest in all. And then let all the rest fall down upon them. Let them experience firsthand the end result of their ideology. We have to stop trying to save them. That's what I mean by changing our tactics. Now it's time to let them die. No one here can deny that they're asking for it. This is what they want. This is what they're asking for. This is HOW THEY VOTED. It's time to abandon all of them until they die out. And I'm not just talking about liberal America.

I'm talking about Greece. I'm talking about Italy. I'm talking about France. I'm talking about Spain. I'm talking about the UK. I'm talking about Mexico. It's time to leave them to their fate. It's time to sit back and watch them borrow and spend themselves into bankruptcy. And then collapse.

Here's the tough part:  in the meantime, fuel is going to skyrocket. Job creation is going to turn to NOTHING. Unions are going to be even more empowered. Food prices are going to become insane. Every single sane businessman in America is going to slash work hours to find ways around Obamacare. And then, when Obamacare tries to rebel by jacking up wages - the businessmen are going to slash jobs. And then close their factories. And then leave. Infrastructure will slowly collapse. It'll probably start with the airports and the post office. Then, things will get really bad. Crime, borne of desperation, will skyrocket. And don't think Islam and/or China won't be chomping at the bit to attack us while we're weak. There is no way, just by the numbers, that the state (or even the military) will be able to control it. Desperate people will resort to desperate things. And you'll have to defend yourself against it. It's not going to be easy.

 All we have to do is ENDURE.  Because that's the name of the game now, folks. "Winning/Losing" has become irrelevant. Now we have to outlast them, and the self-destructive, ruinous ends of their ideology."

God bless us and keep us-

Circling the Wagons

It is Wednesday, November 7, 2012. Obama has been reelected, and my life is going to change. How did America fall so far, that we twice elected a man who has divided and failed us as a nation at every turn? The message of "we will do it for you" was louder and more persuasive than the message of "we'll make it so you can do it yourself."  Thomas Jefferson was right when he said that a republic will cease to exist when the government takes from those who are industrious and gives to those unwilling to work. Our economy, our nation, is in big trouble. I'm saddened beyond measure.

I am through with people who voted for Obama. Through. Done. I take their betrayal of this country personally, and I will not ignore the betrayal for the sake of friendship or family.

I will not do business with any company which supports or whose officers support Obama. I will ask how they voted every single time, and I will thank those who answer that they supported Obama or other democrats; and I will walk out or hang up. Period.

I will ask every server in every restaurant in which I dine who they supported for president; if they voted for Obama, in lieu of a tip I will write, "Obama's got this."

I cancelled my health insurance. I am stopping my federal income tax withholding. I will not pay to support policies which violate the very core of my beliefs.

I am ceasing IMMEDIATELY all charitable giving. The people whom my generosity most helps are the ones who overwhelmingly voted to keep him and others like him in office. I will not support them anymore, since I am going to have a difficult enough time supporting myself and my daughter. Good luck; Obama's got this.

I am not asking you to take any of these steps, but the more people of like mind who join in concentrated business relationships and mutual support, the more likely we are to have an impact. If you received this link, it's because I love and respect you. I don't know if America can survive 4 more years of Harry Reid's senate and Obama's presidency, but I will protect my own interests and those of my child. God bless us and keep us.
